WOW, have I been busy!
A lot has happened since November 2010. I have been to Turkey to judge the CMAS photo contest, I became the President of the Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences (AUAS), I have offered seminars in Washington, Our World Underwater, Boston area, Beneath the Sea, we had a great Photo Fest here in Grand Cayman, I had a death in the family, I went to a family wedding, I went to Costa Rica on a vegan retreat with Herb, and we ripped the downstairs photo center apart and rebuilt it all — sans darkroom.
I spent five weeks diving non-stop from my boat this past summer with my friends Christine, but have not had a second to spare to get the new images up. Kat has moved on to Bali (the Cayman Islands government does not allow people to stay here longer than 7 years without all sorts of permissions which we could not get). We have a new manager, Jenn Mark, and a new Emmy award winning videographer/wedding event photographer, Tony Mark (yes — Jenn’s husband). My garden looks great, my knee is now two years old and feeling absolutely PERFECT. I have a kayak on the car because we use it to get my boat when it is out on a mooring, and I need to drive it back to store at my house.