I have moved my office computer home, with all of my photos and am having a great time. I miss seeing some of you who stop in during your stay in Cayman, but I my productivity is really expanding. I have changed over my “Mastering Underwater Lighting” Workshop that has remained virtually the same for the last ten years that I am giving at Beneath The Sea March 28 and 29. It now emphasizes style, and covers the technical aspects as we go along rather that talking about exposure numbers for the entire first half. It should be more fun and much more interesting, and hopefully make learning easier.
I have also been invited to apply to give a TEDx talk. These are the local talks, not the big international ones, but I have wanted to do this for a long time.
Playing with photos
Here is a fun photo I have just done while playing. I was getting ready to discard this bad and defective fish scale photo, when I decided that I loved the pattern. So I made the second photo on the left just out of the photo above. There are no other images, just the one. Hope you enjoy it. I am no Dali, but I sure have a good time.
We leave for another VEGAN cruise soon. Thrill of a lifetime, the cruise ship stops in Grand Cayman. I am NOT getting off that ship!! Then the next week-end after that I head for BENEATH THE SEA– Yippee!
(The photo in the banner is the opening of a clam in the Solomon Islands. As usual, I cannot leave a photo just to be a creature shot. I am not happy yet with this rendition, but it is an interesting step.)